Michael Jackson support - apoyo

English - Espanol abajo. If you are a Michael Jackson's fan, if you feel in your heart a beautiful love for him, if you feel your soul complete everytime you hear his voice and if you feel how every single cell of your body tremble when you see him dance; then this petition is for you. I am not going to try to convence you that MJ is alive. That is something that everyone shall think of and take their own desition. The only thing I want to get by doing this petition, it is to let MJ know that we support him. I think that it's really important to let him know that. I can imagine how afraid he should feel when he started all this hoax called 'The death of MJ'; but I think that he is feeling even more scared now, thinking about making a comeback. He must to be worrying about his fans, about how the people would react, what people is going to think. He wonder if the people is going to support him or if the people is going to hate him, if the people is going to celebrate or if they are going to accuse him. If you love MJ, if you want him back, if you want to see him singing, dancing and making us happy with his wonderful talent, I will ask you to sign up this petition. The only thing I am looking for by making this petition it's to show to MJ how many people loves him and support him. Michael, if you want to come back... we support you. Sign up the petition, please. Thank you, P.E.H. ********************************************************** Espanol Si tu eres un fan de Michael Jackson, si en tu corazon sientes ese carino increible por el, si sientes que tu alma se llena cuando escuchas su voz y cada celula de tu cuerpo se estremece al verlo bailar, entonces esta peticion es para ti. No voy a tratar de convencerte de que MJ esta vivo. Pues esto ya es algo en lo que cada uno debe pensar, reflexionar y tomar su propia decision. Lo unico que pretendo con esta peticion, es que MJ vea que lo apoyamos, esto es muy importante. Me imagino lo que debe sentir, tiene que haber sentido mucho miedo al hacer esta gran trampa, que es llamada 'La muerte de MJ', pero pienso que debe sentir aun mucho mas miedo al pensar en volver, se debe preocupar por lo que la gente dira, por lo que la gente pensara, si lo apoyaran o le daran la espalda, si lo aplaudiran o si lo crucificaran. Me imagino lo dificil que debe ser para el todo esto. Si quieres a MJ, si quieres que regrese y nos vuelva a deslumbrar con su magnifico talento, te pido que firmes esta peticion. El proposito no es otro que el que MJ sepa con cuanta gente cuenta. Michael, si quieres volver... nosotros te apoyamos. Firma la peticion por favor. Gracias, P.E.H.