Breast Pump Coverage for University of Missouri Employees
We, the employees of the University of Missouri, petition the University governing body to include double electric breast pumps in its routine insurance benefits.
The current plan includes coverage of a manual pump only. No employee could be expected to return to work and express milk for any prolonged length of time using a manual breast pump. In order to return to work and provide the best nutrition for our children, a double electric breast pump is essential. Women who cannot express milk or afford a breast pump expose their children to the risks of formula – which include infant risks of SIDS, ear infections, diarrheal illnesses, lower respiratory illnesses, obesity, diabetes, hospitalization, etc. Mothers who cannot breastfeed are at increased risk of breast cancer, ovarian cancer, and coronary artery disease.
In order to fully support its employees’ health and the health of their families, the University of Missouri must cover double electric breast pumps, educate employees about the benefits of breastfeeding, and institute policies that encourage breastfeeding.