Mixed-use development for the site of Jacquemin Farms
Rajesh Jindal 0

Mixed-use development for the site of Jacquemin Farms

1032 signers. Add your name now!
Rajesh Jindal 0 Comments
1032 signers. Almost there! Add your voice!
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Adam B. signed just now

A Columbus developer has submitted a mixed-use development plan to develop the existing 60-acre Jacquemin Farms property on Hyland-Croy Road, north of Post Road. Under a proposal before Jerome Township Trustees, Jacquemin Farms would be converted into apartments, town homes, shops and a senior-living facility.

Proposed Plan:

  1. 36 acres on the north and west part of the site would be devoted to 30 apartment and town home buildings, for a total of 300 rental units
  2. 11 acres on the south side would be used for a 250-bed assisted-living center
  3. 11.5 acres along Hyland-Croy Road would be used for two retail centers
  4. The balance of the land would be open space



  1. The proposed apartment complex, with 300 units, could bring at least 300 new kids to the already overburdened Dublin Schools, which are already overcrowded and were recently expanded in their existing premises.
  2. The developer expects the rent of the units to be in the range of $900 to $1800 which is more than $600 (on average) compared to the surrounding apartment units which are just 2-3 miles away from this location and not in Dublin school district. So, the main reason people will rent these units is to get admission for their kids in Dublin city schools which are already overcrowded and were recently expanded in their existing premises. (Glacier Ridge is working on expansion plans to accommodate the kids from Ryan home community in Plain city.) This increased population will impact the quality of education offered in the surrounding schools, the population of which is already beyond capacity.
  3. The proposed plan will increase the population in this vicinity by at least 1,000 floating people and add 700 new vehicles to the already densely populated neighborhood which is too much density to the small area (compare to the suggested density of maximum three units per acre for residential uses). This increase in population and traffic will have an adverse impact on everybody’s safety (especially the kid’s), bike paths, sidewalks, and traffic patterns.

For these reasons, we oppose the proposed development of Jacquemin Farms site, as the increased population would cause overcrowding in the vicinity, negatively impact student populations in the surrounding, over-populated schools, and cause an undue burden on traffic and infrastructure, unsupported by additional tax dollars.

Dublin City Planning Director's letter to Jerome Township

Hyland croy traffic problem

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