Start an International Effort to Mitigate Fukushima Daiichi

It has become increasingly obvious that TEPCO and the Japanese Government have neither the resources or the will to deal with the issues at Fukushima Daiichi effectively so I implore all political leaders and the UN to step into the void and form a task force that will utilize every technology and expertise available to keep this situation from causing an environmental catastrophe that will take decades to recover from. The spent fuel pools at units 3 and 4 are very likely to collapse and the situation inside all the reactors that are in meltdown mode is unknown to all and this site is close to one of the most populated cities on the planet and it is next to an important fishery. The existing coral in the Pacific is already imperiled and we do not know what impact the radiation that is entering into the Pacific will have on this delicate resource. We all need to realize what is at stake and start to deal with the reality of this problem.