Hendra Wijaya 0

Miss World 2013 in Bali & Unity in Diversity in Indonesia (For Answering Its controversy)

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I'm as one of most Balinese People will be proud very much when the world-scale events, such as Miss World 2013 and APEC 2013 can be hold successfully in this beloved island, without any security's interference and threats, especially from the outside. It's an opinion which is written as an open letter to Mr. Suryadharma Ali, an Indonesian Minister for Religion Affairs and it's about Miss World 2013 in Bali. This open letter is written by Mr. Putu Setia, a Balinese Person who is a former journalist for an Indonesian Mass Media of Tempo and present, he is a Hindu Priest in Bali with his name: "Ida Pandita Mpu Jaya Prema Ananda". Miss World (Translation Version in English): His Honorable, Mr. Suryadharma Ali of the Indonesian Minister for Religion Affairs, I reported to you that there is a possibility for Miss World pageant will still be held in Bali. With so sorry/regret, we are the Balinese People can't follow your advice to pay attention for the fatwa (advice) of the Indonesian Council of Ulema (Majelis Ulama Indonesia or MUI) for rejecting hardly about the organizing of Miss World 2013 in Bali. The Muslim Organizations which are led by the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) is also clearly reject about this event of Miss World, even it said that the event will be damned by the God if "the non-Islamic performance" will still be held. It turns out the Miss World committee together with the Balinese traditional leaders have come to The Mother Temple of Besakih (Pura Besakih) to ask the blessing before to Ida Widhi Hyang Wasa (the God Almighty). Mentioned in the mass media, if Miss World is still held, the FPI will pursue the committee. "If the apparatus is to protect, we will reject," said Misbahul Anam, the Shura Council Secretary of the Central Representative Council of the FPI, quoted by the mass media. I was scared. But thankfully, in the mass media also quoted as saying Jero Gede Suwena, the Chairman of the Main Council of the Pekraman Villages in Bali (Majelis Utama Desa Pekraman or MUDP Bali), which supports about the Miss World contest. It makes my fears to vanish because the council (MUDP) has thousands of Pecalang (the Balinese Traditional Security Guard) which are ready to save Bali with their "Perang Puputan" (Puputan Struggle). Moreover, the Bali Regional Police is ready too to save this international-scale event. Certainly, the Governor of Bali, Made Mangku Pastika who is former police officer too, fully supports this international cultural event. It seems impossible that the FPI comes to Bali and play "the Chasing Each Other (Kejar-Kejaran)". His Honorable, Mr. Minister for Religion Affairs, I and maybe all Hindu Priests truly have nothing to do with this event of Miss World. Let alone so join the committee, were invited averse. No matter how beautiful the women who come from around the world, would still be more beautiful if my grandchildren are dressed. That worldly affairs, not the business of religion. If we pursue spiritual and every day wrestle with sacred texts, it feels weird if they care or tempted or seduced by the visual beauty. This is the realm of culture. If it's the cultural affairs, why is the religion carried? Miss world will be held in Bali where supposedly, its majority people is Hindu. So then why is the fatwa of MUI is considered? They should pay attention for the fatwa (advice) of the Indonesian Hindu Association (Parisadha Hindu Dharma Indonesia or PHDI) and certainly, it's impossible about the advice (fatwa) of PHDI for an event that doesn't violate about the religious culture. If Mr. Minister's advice is excessive/so far too, later anything the events in Bali, include the Kite Festival or Ogoh-Ogoh Festival, perhaps they are asked to pay attention for the Fatwa of MUI. The cultures in Nusantara (Indonesia) is diverse and the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia/NKRI) with its 4 pillars, "like as lecturing to the Elementary/Primary Students", guarantee about that diversity. The Event of Miss World will combine with the Balinese Culture, by Kecak Dance for its opening where its dancer/player who is shirtless, but the Miss World Participants will wear Kebaya (a traditional blouse-dress combination that originates from Indonesia and worn by women in Indonesia, Malaysia, Brunei, Burma, Singapore, southern Thailand, and the Southern part of the Philippines). The participants will visit the tourism places by the Balinese Traditional Clothes/Costumes, as there are objects while blending into the holy place. Does this local culture contradict or conflict with the national culture? Or perhaps, must the national culture cover the entire body, like as the culture in the Middle East? Then, must the cultures (in Bali and all of Nusantara/Indonesia) be uniform (made into similar)? But it's OK, Nothing "room" here if I vent about all of my thinking or feeling a prolonged, let alone impressed me insisted that Miss World must be held, even though I have nothing to do with it. I only persevere that: "Let's respect for diversity and diversity within the umbrella of the Homeland. Let's use the fatwa (advice) of the religion councils, only for the followers of that religion (the people of that religion), not for the problems of the nation and motherland. I'm ashamed that this kind of problems emerge after 68 years of independence. Wassalam. Miss World (Original Version in Indonesian): Yang saya hormati Menteri Agama Suryadharma Ali, saya mengabarkan kepada Bapak bahwa ada kemungkinan pergelaran Miss World tetap berlangsung di Bali. Dengan sangat menyesal, kami penduduk Bali tak bisa mengikuti saran Bapak agar memperhatikan fatwa Majelis Ulama Indonesia (MUI) yang isinya menolak keras penyelenggaraan Miss World itu. Ormas-ormas Islam yang dimotori Front Pembela Islam (FPI) sudah jelas pula sikapnya menolak Miss World ini, bahkan menyebutkan akan dilaknat Allah jika pergelaran yang tak Islami itu dilangsungkan. Ternyata panitia Miss World bersama pemuka adat Bali sudah datang ke Pura Besakih untuk mohon restu ke hadapan Hyang Widhi Wasa, Tuhan Yang Maha Esa. Di media massa disebutkan, jika Miss World tetap digelar, FPI akan menguber panitianya. "Kalau aparat masih melindungi, akan kita tolak," ujar Misbahul Anam, Sekretaris Majelis Syuro DPP FPI, dikutip dari media massa. Saya sempat takut. Tapi syukurlah, di media massa juga dikutip ucapan Jero Gede Suwena, Ketua Majelis Utama Desa Pekraman (MUDP) Bali, yang mendukung kontes Miss World. Ini membuat ketakutan saya sirna karena MUDP punya ribuan pecalang (petugas keamanan desa adat) yang siap mengamankan Bali dengan semangat "perang puputan". Apalagi Kepolisian Daerah Bali siap mengamankan perhelatan internasional itu. Gubernur Bali Made Mangku Pastika, yang juga mantan petinggi polisi, mendukung penuh acara budaya yang bersifat internasional ini. Rasanya tak mungkin FPI datang ke Bali dan main uber-uberan. Pak Menteri Agama, saya dan mungkin seluruh pendeta di kalangan Hindu sejatinya tak ada urusan dengan perhelatan Miss World itu. Jangankan ikut jadi panitia, diundang pun ogah. Betapapun cantiknya wanita-wanita yang datang dari penjuru dunia, pasti tetap lebih cantik jika cucu saya didandani. Itu urusan duniawi, bukan urusan agama. Kalau kita menekuni spiritual dan setiap hari bergelut dengan ayat-ayat suci, rasanya aneh jika masih mengurusi atau tergiur atau tergoda oleh kecantikan visual. Ini ranah budaya. Jika urusan budaya, kenapa agama dibawa-bawa? Miss World digelar di Bali, yang konon penduduknya mayoritas Hindu. Lha, kenapa fatwa MUI harus diperhatikan? Mestinya fatwa Parisada Hindu Dharma Indonesia--dan pasti mustahil ada fatwa seperti itu untuk acara budaya yang tidak melanggar agama. Kalau saran Pak Menteri kebablasan, nanti setiap acara apa pun di Bali--termasuk main layang-layang atau pesta ogoh-ogoh--jangan-jangan disuruh memperhatikan fatwa MUI. Budaya itu beragam di Nusantara ini, dan NKRI dengan empat pilarnya--kayak menceramahi murid SD--menjamin keberagaman itu. Miss World dipadukan dengan budaya Bali, pembukaannya dengan tari kecak yang pemainnya bertelanjang dada--padahal peserta Miss World akan pakai kebaya. Mereka mengunjungi obyek wisata dengan pakaian adat Bali, karena ada obyek yang sekaligus menyatu dengan tempat suci. Apakah budaya lokal ini bertentangan dengan budaya nasional? Atau, budaya nasional harus menutup seluruh tubuh seperti budaya di Timur Tengah? Lalu, apakah budaya harus diseragamkan? Tapi okelah, tak ada ruangan kalau saya curhat berkepanjangan, apalagi terkesan saya ngotot supaya Miss World digelar, padahal saya tak ada urusan dengan itu. Yang saya ngototkan adalah mari hormati kebhinekaan dan keberagaman dalam payung NKRI. Mari gunakan fatwa majelis agama untuk pengikut agama yang bersangkutan, bukan untuk masalah berbangsa dan bertanah air. Saya malu masalah seperti ini muncul setelah 68 tahun merdeka. Wassalam.

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