Missouri Free and Open
This petition is intended to send a message to politicians, decision makers, and thought leaders that the answer to solving an epidemic, does not lie in financial calamity for the masses.
Please sign this petition if you believe that businesses and individuals in Missouri that are so far unaffected physically by the pandemic, should as a matter of business, freedom, and personal dignity, be allowed to remain open for business. Please sign this petition if you believe in protecting your physical and financial well being, and making appropriate judgments for yourself rather than choosing for politicians to make those judgments for you.
In signing this petition, you commit to the spirit and the integrity of all recommended health safety measures to stop the spread and harm of COVID 19, while also recognizing, and being a champion of, your individual right to maintain your business, your place of business, and your freedom.
You commit to the following for the safety of yourself and others, in your work environment and home where appropriate:
Maintaining social distancing of at least 10 feet in conversation/interaction;
Maintaining a work environment with less than 10 employees in office or on shift at any time;
Frequently wash hands at the start of work, during work, and when leaving work;
Modeling good business citizenship by keeping work areas extremely clean;
Refrain from any eating or drinking within the physical work environment including breakrooms, restrooms, and work or office spaces;
Eliminate public interaction in your work area / no meetings other than with fellow employees;
Stay at home with any illness.
In signing this petition, you commit to staying open for business to protect and preserve your personal financial future. You also commit to helping others open for business with advice, assistance, and where appropriate, business transactions.
We are all willing to make sacrifices, to stand up for our nation, and do the right thing as honest citizens. We also want to preserve and ensure our livelihoods and financial safety.
Ken Kline
VHC Brands, Inc.
Kirbyville, Missouri (population 112)