Mississippians Against Common Core

Mississippians AGAINST Common Core
Mississippi Against Common Core
Welcome to our petition. If you've never heard about Common Core, it is an initiative funded by special interests and the federal government with the goal of nationalizing education.
Click the following three links for more information on CCSS
What is Common Core?
Anyone who tells you not to worry and that you just don’t know all the facts, is someone who either hasn't looked at the evidence and is blindly following what they've been told, or is intellectually dishonest.
It shows that President Obama dangled a seductive carrot in the form of Race to the Top grants to get states to play jackpot with our money and after inserting the million dollar coin came up short.
There is still time to right the ship if we act now and get our leaders to take action to reverse this power grab and keep control of our education system. THIS IS A STATES' RIGHTS ISSUE.
*** PETITION ***
Bryant the Governor, State Board of Education, and State Superintendent to immediately take the steps necessary to rescind Common Core adoption,PARCC membership, the Race to the Top application, the No Child Left Behind waiver, and all other requirements upon the state that are related to these.
Second,We request the Mississippi Attorney General to review all documentation related to such applications and contracts as mentioned above to ensure our state sovereignty is held inviolate.We further request that this review of programs, documents, and applications, include an examination to ensure no private or personal information about students is transmitted outside of local schools and districts.
Third, inasmuch as the Mississippi State Board of Education adopted Common Core State Standards before they were even finalized, failed to perform a cost analysis related to statewide adoption, and failed to hold public meetings , we consider the standards "null and void".
Fourth, give individual schools and districts full local control with the ability to adopt their own curriculum's; choose their own personnel; decide on their own text books, testing, discipline policies free from standards, assessments, and research-based curriculum; thus, providing REAL opportunities for parents to have actual choices in deciding on schools for their children.
Fifth,We request that legislators develop a 5-year plan to get Mississippi off all federal funding of education, and if the federal government threatens to pull non-education related funding away from the state as we pursue this course, that this knowledge should be made public and fought with the assistance of the state Attorney General.
Sixth, We ask that the State strengthen privacy laws and make sharing of personal student data with any state or federal entity a crime both for the one disseminating and the recipient who requested personal information
Concerned Citizens of Mississippi
Petition will be sent to the Governor, State Board of Education, and State Superintendent. (Date to be announced)
Note: Email addresses will not sold or shared by the sponsors.