Raise the Minimum Wage to reflect Inflation
Mark Bury 0

Raise the Minimum Wage to reflect Inflation

10 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Mark Bury 0 Comments
10 people have signed. Add your voice!
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The minimum wage of our states have not kept up with the inflation we have had to endure over the years. At the current rate of 7.25 an hour, a single person working a solid 40 hours weekly will only make a gross amount of 15K a year, this is before taxes. AFTER taxes (about 17%, some more) they are left with $12,500 to live off of. To pay their home costs (Rent, Electric, Gas, Water, Trash, Phone, Cable, oh yea, and FOOD) Please, show your support, and sign this petition, we will show the US Government it is time to make America affordable for the poor. When it costs on average $60 to fill your tank this is unacceptable. When you're trying to juggle a home and a child going to school on a thousand dollars a month and a majority is going for rent alone, how is a person supposed to have any hope in this country? Raise the minimum wage, more money, more money into our economies, more money to pay employees, and a better hope for tomorrow to be able to live when one is to old to work. Thank you.

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