Rise against Unfair Habbo Moderators/Bans
We.... The people of habbo, have a right to our opinions, Our decisions, and our rights as human beings of this planet earth, to play the game MADE for us to play, and join habbo Militarys, without getting banned, and losing out hard earned money's worth of furni. We may so choose to work in a room owned by DEPTNAVY-HQ, or Military-Owner, or The-HQ, Or .Military. Without getting Perm banned for it. The habbo moderators getting lazy is a problem to Sulake, to the game itself, and more importantly, to The people. We play habbo for many reasons. We all have faced an unfair ban in our time. We all know sulake's habbo Way, and abide by it well... And we are now getting punished for doing so. As a unit, we will come back, even if it means getting the United States Justice System involved. My fellow Habbo's, we the people demand a change, we demand a set of Moderator's that wont ban for stating your opinion, we demand those who are banned unfairly to be relieved, and we demand rights that are fair and just. Those who sign this petition are the ones whoa rent afraid of these unfair MOD's and belive fighting back is the only way to stop the madness. Those who sign agree to the possible misfortunes ahead. But are willing to unite as one, to save a game we all once loved. This is a message from the habbo who isnt scared to fight back, Yours truly, Blype.