Silent Injustices at Greensburg Salem.

I am aware that at this point there is next to nothing that can be done about the injustices that Ms. Michelle Milan has suffered. My only hope is that this petition will make a clear point of the mistakes that our administration has made. Ms. Milan was not only a teacher to GSHS students, but Milan was a friend. As I say this, I realize that I am already crossing forbidden borders, because it is prohibited, maybe only taboo, that teachers make themselves available to students outside of school. Remember, these people are \"teachers, not friends.\" Well, I firmly disagree. My own tenth grade English class was an incredibly diverse group. There were kids of nearly every race and social status. Given, we divided ourselves into groups, with fences high with unfriendly eyes to anyone who dared to trespass. When Milan came to our classroom, everything changed within a few mere weeks. She understood. Finally, a teacher came along who was willing to work with us, who had the students\' best interests at heart. One of the main contributing factors in that class was the discussions. I doubt they would have been half as affective had Milan led the group. But she didn\'t lead our class at all