Midwest Parkour Jam 2012 in St. Louis!

READ ALL OF THIS AND FOLLOW THE DIRECTIONS ABOUT SIGNING. I need you to put information in the comments section. Thank you.
The Midwest Jam has an official date! (July 13-15). Right now we are still planning some of the jam so it would be a HUGE help if we actually knew how many people were coming! Jonchi coaches gymnastics in a YMCA in STL and is talking to his higher ups about having all you parkour freewalkin folk sleep there friday and saturday night for $10 a night. This is a ymca so there are showers. SO if you could please sign this here petition if you are at least 80% sure you are attending this year-Please enter your first and last name and answer the following in the "comments" section-
are you 18+?:
Do you plan on sleeping at the YMCA?:
Will you have transportation at the jam?:
The plan is as follows: (times are guestimations not concrete.)
City Museum 1pm-5pm
Flipside Gymnastics for open gym 6pm-10pm
Then Mid County YMCA for sleepytime
Elephant Rocks 8am-1pm
the offsets 2pm-7pm
Then Mid County YMCA for sleepytime
Forest Park/Washington university 1pm-?
Old Video of city museum and Washington University: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l6a3xWMoNGM
Video of Flipside gymnastics:
Way old video of elephant rocks:
Way old video of the offsets:
Feel free to contact Jonchi with any questions at thejonchi@aol.com