Middlebury Against the "Middlebury Blogger"
You all know who he is. He's constantly sturring up trouble in our beloved town, and making a joke of our local government. He's wasting thousands of dollars of our tax payer money with his b-s FOIs, only so he can draw outrageous, ludicrous, idiotic conclusions that couldn't be further from the truth. He rants about these on his blog, which sounds like a bad supermarket tabloid written by an any teenage girl. He's immature, and many believe that he has nothing else better to occupy his time with than this stupidity. Most importantly, we're sick of him attacking respected community leaders and dedicated community servants. Grow up, man - you're a joke and just making a fool of yourself. This petition will show that we can make our point known online, too, just as cowardly and immaturely as you. We're Middlebury Residents, and tired of you wasting our money and upsetting stability, all the while hiding behind your computer screen. Get a life. You made a list of people that the chief of the MVFD "butts heads" with. Well, sir - this is a list of Middlebury Residents whose heads you butt. I bet it will be a lot bigger, and a lot more truthful. [***Note: This petition was started independently of the MVFD, so don't even think of trying to put this one back on them. We're Middlebury residents, sick of your crap***].