Legalize Maijuana In Michigan

Dear fine people of Michigan, Us (Meaning Maijuana users) must come together at this most importent time of the year. We need 300,000 signatures to approve a bill to legalize up to an ounce of pot on any person's at a privat address. Or any person caught with it would only recive a 50 fine at a mistamener offence. Also this bill will alowe you to grow Maijuana in your own private residence. I think to stop many people who lead quite wounderful lives, from a humiliating experiance such as court and probation is the goal i'm reaching for. For the common person to either smoke or not smoke. I just think it's importent to quit allowing the goverment to control weather or not you can have a job becasue of a prior offence. This is not about people being able to smoke all they want, (witch this would allowe at a prive residence) But more about the freedom to use as a medication for people. And I think there is much more to be medicated then what the goverment says also. It allowes you to sleep at night, eat right, for some users to focus better, and to have the ability to relax. So please sign or atleast post a comment agreeing or disagreeing, and PLEASE dont pick on my spelling lol Peace, Love, And perfect Harmony, Ninja Al, AKA Alex Nehring