Michigan Avenue's Amplified Nuisance

Dear Alderman Reilly:
We, the condominium owners, residents and businesses who pay taxes, at 405 N. Wabash, in proximity to the iconic Wrigley Building, located at 400 N. Michigan Avenue, who make up a significant proportion of your constituency, are exhausted and frustrated.
To start with, we are forced to endure hours upon hours of amplified singing from early morning on, in the privacy of our own condominiums ( yes, the sound carries to high floors) and in the public space where normal conversations cannot be carried out because of the high decibel music. The outdoor patio areas, Peet’s, Walgreens, and others are rendered useless and cannot be enjoyed. Secondly, as requested by your office, we had been contacting 911 to complain of the problem, but typically after a short respite the singers continue to use amplifiers.
While we acknowledge that individuals have a right to work and provide entertainment on public ways, we certainly have the right to enjoy peace and quiet in our homes and places of business.
How is it that individuals can be on the public way and so blatantly break the laws by using amplification devices? The City of Chicago Noise Ordinance Code 11-4-2800 clearly states that "no person on the public way shall employ any device or instrument that creates or amplifies sound, including but limited to any loudspeaker, bullhorn, amplifier, public address system, musical instrument, radio or device that plays recorded music to generate any sound, for the purpose of communication or entertainment, that is louder than average conversational level at a distance of 100 feet or more, measured vertically or horizontally, from the source.
We, the undersigned, are therefore imploring you to act and enforce the existing prohibition on the use of amplification devices. We are tired of suffering while others are permitted to disturb our peace with impunity and show utter disdain for the rule of law.
The River Plaza Board of Directors & Unit Owners and Residents of River Plaza