Michael Jackson ! let\'s make History Again !
Romana : Avem nevoie de parerea ta ! Ne-am propus sa-l aducem pe Michael Jackson in Romania ! Daca vrei sa-ti revezi Idolul intr-un concert si esti fan infocat sau pur si simplu iti place Michael Jackson atunci esti invitatul meu sa lasi numele tau (complet), adresa de e-mail(una valida) si telefonul, daca vrei ...iar de restul ne ocupam noi ! Retine ...daca nu esti de acord nu scrie nimic ! Vrem raspunsuri Pozitive ! Un simplu Da este de ajuns ! Multumim pentru timpul acordat ! Pentru orice intrebare - dati un mesaj aici www.myspace.com/fairy_dayan sau pe site www.michael-jackson.ro English : We need your oppinion ! We want to bring Michael Jackson in Bucharest -Romania ! If you want to see him in a concert or tour ,if you will come here for him, to see your Idol , your Love , and you are a fanatic Michael Jackson fan , or just a simple person and you like him , be my Guest to leave your name complete , your e-mail address valide and your telephone only if you want , and we take the rest of the problem ! To bring Michael here .... Remember : if you don\'t want , than don\'t write anything ! We want pozitive responses ! A sample YES is enough ! Thank you for your attention and time ! For any Question feel free to leave us a message here : www.myspace.com/fairy_dayan or here www.michael-jackson.ro