Freedom for Michael Persaud

Michael Persaud was born and raised in Brooklyn, New York. Around the age of 5 or 6 his parents began noticing certain irregularities in Michael. That is when they started taking him to see multiple psychiatrist within those years. At the age of 12 or 13, Michael and his family moved to Orlando, Fl. His erratic behavior became more prominent at times, in others they seemed non existent. Through his years in school, elementary, middle until he reached high school teachers constantly counseled his parents to take him for professional help. To them Michael seemed extremely bright in certain areas, slow and unable to keep up in others. One teacher took an interest in Michael while in high school. It wasn't until years later, that it was found by experts specializing in that field, that Michael was suffering from Child hood and Adult A.D.D. to be mildly retarded with an I.Q. of 58. When school authorities notified Michael that they wanted to place him in Special Ed classes because of his learning abilities were too slow. He ran away and eventually he dropped out of school. He then got mixed up with the wrong crowd (criminals). He began abusing drugs and alcohol. Them being his only sanctuary. While high on drugs and alcohol Michael and 3 others got involved in an armed robbery. A month later all 4 were arrested and charged. While in the county jail, a privately retained psychologist was hired by the state to evaluate Michael. A Psychologist whose credentials are above reproach. Michael was found to have suffered and is still suffering from childhood and Adult Attention Deficit Disorder, to be mildly retarded, suffer from the clinical disorder of Poly-Psycho active substance abuse. He also suffers from Passive-aggressive and addictive disorder, and was on hallucinogenic drugs at the time of the robbery. Through evaluations they learned that Michael has a low I.Q. (58). And that he was sexually abused as a child by an uncle. All 4 were convicted of the robbery, the other 3 being convicted murderers, all with criminals pasts. One was sentenced to 80 months for the robbery, the second to ten years, and the third. The robbery being dropped for his cooperation. This was Michael's first time in trouble with the law, no prior criminal history. Michael was sentenced to life without the possibility of parole.. Evidence was presented to the sentencing judge of Michael's condition, which said Judge kindly disregarded. this is our 21st century Judicial system at work. America is the greatest and most powerful country in the history of mankind. One who's advancements and achievements have surpassed all others. A country who's military might is the greatest ever known. But one who incarcerates more people than any other country on Earth. Over 2 million are currently incarcerated within our borders, with atrocities surpassing those of the terrorists treatments in prisons in Iraq by the hands of American soldiers. American citizens, within American borders, beaten, abused, murdered... forgotten. We rightfully condemned the treatment of those Iraqi’s at the hands of a few rogue soldiers, yet have turned a blind eye... a deaf ear on our own? Michael is one of many whom have been wronged, neglected, abused, forgotten by our judicial system. Ask any and everyone, Michaela mistake, and paid with it his freedom for almost 15 years he has been locked up. Isn't it past time to set him free?? You make a mistake, you pay with your life... is that an example we want our children to learn? You make a mistake and your through, no second chances? Are we to instill this in our youth? Michael has more than served his dept to society. We now ask for your help, at no cost to you, to help us FREE MICHAEL. Set him free to his family, we ask for your help in petitioning our new Governor Rick Scott in our great State of Florida to commute Michael's sentence and finally set him free. Again, we ask for your help, at no cost to you. We ask that you include your name and relevant information to this petition of Commute of Sentence to reverse one of many wrongfully incarcerated. We thank you for your patience and help and ask for you to tell a friend. An old Chinese proverb states: The long journey starts with the first step. We ask you to take this step with us. May God's Grace and love be upon you. Thank You America.. wherever you are.