Let the MicCheck Begin

MicCheck was invented by a musician who had a desire to keep musicians healthy, and microphones clean. Thus, MicCheck was born! Created to take on a world filled with dirty, stinky, germ infested microphones! MicCheck takes care of 3 main problems that plague microphones... 1.) Odor- MicCheck uses both ethyl alcohol and mint to eliminate any odor that had infiltrated into the mic. 2.) Residues- Over sized thick wipe to clean off all of the grime and gunk from years of use and abuse. 3.) Germs- With common knowledge that concentrations of 61% ethyl alcohol kills 99.9% of all germs... MicCheck contains 70% ethyl alcohol to ensure health and safety, while still being safe for people. Right now MicCheck is only available online at www.checkthatmic.com. If you would like to see this awesome product in select retail stores, we invite you to sign our petition! Let's get the big boys on board with MicCheck and provide clean mics and health to musicians everywhere!