Baduk Community #Metoo Signing Petition
#Metoo反性侵運動正席捲韓國, 鑒於 近日韓國圍棋界爆出韓國棋手金成龍九段涉嫌於9年前性侵犯 外國籍女棋手事件,至今為至已受到韓國的高度關注 。現在經已有超過八成的韓國棋院所屬的職業女棋手一起發起了「棋界#Metoo反性侵簽名運動」,透過韓國Cyberoro媒體表示:「力撐最近棋界#Metoo事件受害者,要求盡快交待並解決事件。」
在此,我呼籲各界人士一起網上聯署請願,就事件「強烈譴責韓國圍棋界性侵事件,力撐事件中受害者並要求金成龍公開道歉並保證這類事情不要再發生 !」
In recent days, Korean professional baduk 9dan player Kim Seong-ryong has been suspected of sexually assaulting a foreign female professional baduk player 9 years ago, and the incident has attracted a lot of attention in South Korea.
Recently, more than 80% of female professional baduk players belonging to the Korean Baduk Association have initiated the “Korean Baduk Community #Metoo Signing Petition” to support the victims of such incidents and for it to be resolved as soon as possible. ”
The woman published the story first in the professional go community. She has written the story to her brother 9 years ago (she has the original email). Only told the story for some close friends and then tried to keep it for herself. Especially in a country like Korea and an institute like in the Korean Baduk Association, she didnt have the courage to open it up. This time some other female pros complained about other cases and some also knew she had a bad story. So finally she dared to open it up after 9 years to get the truth and find closure for herself.
I hereby appeal to people from all walks of life to join the Online Signing Petition, to strongly condemn the sexual assault which has occurred in the Korean baduk community. Support the victims of the incident, and urge Kim Seong-ryong to apologize to said victims.
We need your support!
故に、「韓国の囲碁界での性的暴行を強く非難し、今回の被害者の後押しをする上に、加害者として指摘されたキム・ソンリョン九段に直ちに被害者に対して真正性ある公開謝罪、及び同じ過ちを再び繰り返されないと確約を要求する」 とのオンライン嘆願書に囲碁界の皆様からのご署名をお願い申し上げます。