Metal against prejudice

Dear readers, Yesterday I heard about the Finnish school-massacre and like most I was shocked. How could one be driven so mad to take the lives of others I felt sorry for everything that has happened. This morning I opened a newspaper and this is what I read; \"Like other school shooters Auvinen was known to like violent games and heavy metal music\" And then I got pissed. Once again, society blames games and metal for actions like this. I am the head administrator of ExtreemMetaal.nl, a Dutch metal webzine. We metalheads know like no other what it is like to have to deal with prejudices like this, every, single, fucking, day. People look at us with a despised look in their eyes, or walk a big circle around us in fear. I don\'t know about you guys, but I can understand you are just as sick of all this. I\'m going to speak for every metalhead now, because I am sure they\'ll agree. WE DO NOT SUPPORT OR CHERISH SCHOOL SHOOTINGS OR OTHER ACTS OF VIOLENCE! What happened in Finland yesterday, in Germany a while ago and in America several times shocked us just as much as every other, maybe even more because we keep getting the blame! It is a common misunderstanding that anyone who listens to metal music and enjoys it is a satanic, sadistic, Nazi murderer. Here\'s the surprise: We aren\'t. In fact, we despise these figures for making us look so bad. We despise Auvinen and his mindless killing. Did you know most metalheads may have long hair, baggy clothing and wear spikes, but most of them are higher educated then your average villager Did you know most metalheads cherish life in all it\'s forms, sometimes even more then your average hippie Sure, some of us scream \"death to the world!\"