Bring the cast of Merlin to Australia

Hi guys, I've been a fan of the BBC's Merlin well before it aired on Australian television. I think it would be great if the cast were invited over by channel Ten to promote season 2 at the latest. I've started putting together a little campaign to try and convince network Ten. If you are interested, please feel free to check out some of our other Merlin related pages: 1. http://community.livejournal.com/merlinaustralia This is an online community that follows the happenings of Merlin around Australia 2. http://twitter.com/merlinaustralia Progress of our campaign and other interesting news will be constantly updated on twitter 3. http://www.youtube.com/merlinaustralia Videos and other promotions will be available on youtube 4.http://forums.ten.com.au/forums/thread.jspathreadID=104383&tstart=0 Discussion thread on the channel Ten forums 5. http://www.facebook.com/group.phpgid=93036107028 And of course, a group on facebook If you'd like, banners will be available shortly on the livejournal community (# 1) and comment to this thread if you agree that the cast of Merlin should make a visit down under ;D Cheers, merlinaustralia