Dear Chancellor Merkel: We Apologize
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July 20, 2006 Dear Chancellor Merkel: As the employers of George W. Bush, we would like to express our sincere apologies for his behavior at the recent G8 meeting of world leaders. We have seen the images of the incident, and we feel that it is clear that there was a breach of your personal space and security. As an employee of the federal government, we believe that Bush is subject to the regulations of the EEOC, the US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, and possibly other federal statutes such as the Code of Conduct of Federal Employees. Among the EEOC regulations, we find:
Sexual harassment is a form of sex discrimination that violates Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Title VII applies to employers with 15 or more employees, including state and local governments. It also applies to employment agencies and to labor organizations, as well as to the federal government.Within these guidelines, we find:
Sexual Harassment Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature constitute sexual harassment when this conduct explicitly or implicitly affects an individual\'s employment, unreasonably interferes with an individual\'s work performance, or creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive work environment.Based on the videotaped evidence that we have seen, we feel that it may be that Bush has \"unreasonably\" interfered with work performance, or possibly has created an \"intimidating, hostile or offensive work environment\" during this meeting. As Americans, who technically employ the President, we would like to express our sincere regret for this behavior. We represent American women and men who believe this behavior was unacceptable, and should be subject to appropriate disciplinary actions. We regret any discomfort that George Bush has caused you. Please understand that we are investigating the consequences of this action, and we will inform you of any further actions that we will take. Best regards, The American Public
I am an American citizen.
US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
Sexual Harassment
Videotaped Evidence