Mensa Hawai‘i Member-at-large
Kirsten 0

Mensa Hawai‘i Member-at-large

19 signers. Add your name now!
Kirsten 0 Comments
19 signers. Almost there! Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

As Chair of Mensa Hawai‘i for the past 2 years, I have learned a lot, been part of a great team of wonderful people, and hopefully, made a difference in the group.

It’s been a good challenge, and one I might be willing to take on again, sometime down the road.

For now, I’d like to serve in a lesser capacity as a member-at-large (until someone else wants the position, I’d happily step down if a member physically-located in Hawai‘i would fill it).

My resume below highlights my ongoing involvement in Mensa Hawai‘i and demonstrates my continued interest in the group’s growth.

Mensa Resume

Chair 2014-2015

Gifted Youth Coordinator assistant May 2013-present

Acting Editor of the MENSAloha March 2013-Jan 2014

Proctor 2012-present

Testing Coordinator 2012-2015

Bylaws Committee 2012-2013

Nominations and Elections Committees 2011

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