Memorial for Megan
It’s coming up on 5 years since Megan was taken from us by an intoxicated boater on the river in Ogle County. There was really no justice for taking her life in such a horrible and totally preventable way. Probation for taking Megan from her 3 kids, her family, her friends so many people who loved her. Our hearts are still broken beyond repair. Still so many questions. There was no justice for this HOMICIDE which it says on her death certificate. Ogle County Jurdicial Sysyem didn’t do the right thing in the criminal case so now we ask for them to honor and memorialize her life. Megans life mattered to so many. Ogle County what able to you?? Show us that this was so wrong and let’s try to get something in this county in Megans name. Please sign and support this. Write your comments and share.
Thank you