Meal Plan Change, Please!

While we appreciate the meal plans and food that Franciscan University has to offer, many students would like to have the option either of cheaper and smaller meal plans or to entirely remove themselves from the meal plans at our own discretion. We think that as responsible and hardworking adults, we should have the option to manage our own money in regards to the food we buy at college. Thus, we would like to request that the University give us the option remove ourselves from the meal plan system, or else provide us with smaller meal plans with a variety of prices.
1. The University should allow students of any credit level to remove themselves from the meal plan system at their discretion.
2. Smaller, less expensive meal plans should be made available to full-time students (for example, $800 for a 75-meal plan with meal exchanges and points, or a similar arrangement).
We would greatly appreciate the willingness of the University to work with us to make the changes needed to provide its students with the food services that are most in line with their needs and desires.
19-Meal Plan:
$1675 per semester ($3350 per year)
Approx. $7.05 per meal
Kroger Costs:*
$962.50 per semester ($1925 per year)
Approx. $4.05 per meal
Example Grocery List (for one week)**
1 box Cheerios ($3)
1 tub Greek yogurt ($4)
1 loaf bread ($3)
3 sweet potatoes ($2)
1 bag fresh spinach ($3)
5 bananas ($3)
3 apples ($3)
1 jar peanut butter ($4)
6 frozen chicken breasts ($6)
2 boxes pasta ($7)
1 jar pasta sauce ($3)
1 bottle salad dressing ($2)
1 frozen pizza ($5)
1 tub ice cream ($4)
10 Clif bars ($10)
1 quart milk ($3)
1 2lb. bag brown rice ($6)
Assorted seasonings ($6)
*based on Example Grocery List estimated costs
**costs and food consumption per week are approximated. I added more things than the average person would consume in a week to allow room in the calculations for occasional more expensive purchases. Notice that there is no Ramen in sight and yet the cost is still almost half of what the meal plan charges!