Change the MCPS 2007-2008 Grading Policy

I, along with many others, think the new grading policy needs changing. Badly. From personal experience, tests can massively affect your grade while quizzes and other assignments...not so much. Example: I get decent grades in math. As on the homework and a mixture of As and Bs on quizzes. As of this day, Oct. 15, 2007, I\'ve had 3 tests and 11 other assignments. I\'ve gotten a B on 1 test, and the other 2...not too great. Still, my grade shouldn\'t be too bad. Why If the grading system were point-based (meaning the points you earn over the total points = your grade), I\'d have an 86.7. That\'s not a bad grade. With a weighted grading system (current), I have a 77.5. Something isn\'t right, especially considering how I\'m not exactly terrible at math... What does this mean It means that if you screw up on a test or 2, your grade is equally screwed. If you do well on other things, then they don\'t really matter. For instance, I got an A on a quiz, and my grade didn\'t budge. At all. One of the tests, however, brought me down 3%. Enough about my complaints. Sign the petition, since I\'m sure you\'re in some similar situation (hopefully not as bad as mine).