McPolin Dual Immersion Class 2

Dear Families, We are writing to you as the disappointed parents whose children did not get into the Dual Immersion Program. We are petitioning to the Community Counsel on Tuesday March, 26 to offer another DI class to accommodate the 19 English speaking children who did not get in and the remainder of the Spanish speaking children. We need your help! Even if you were accepted into the program, please put yourself in our shoes and support us in this effort. We are so passionate about the program and know what a benefit this is for ALL of our kids. We cannot stand for our kids to not be part of this AMAZING opportunity. Please send us your names and child's name if you are in support of this effort, and let us know if you are one of the 19 who were not selected. Also, we may not be reaching everyone with this email, for example if they are currently at another school but in our District (i.e. Soaring Wings). Please pass this along to anyone who is interested in the program now or may be interested in the program in the years to come. We are presenting our concerns to the community council on Tues. March 26, so please send us your response as soon as possible. Thank You, Beth Cummings and Jessica Wohlfarth 435-214-7486 / 435-901-2564 Below are some interesting articles on the benefits of the program: Article by Deanie Wimmer: http://www.ksl.com/?nid=148&sid=23233541 “Right now with the global world and the global economy, I don’t see how people can be really successful without a second language,” said Maria Contreras, a 5th grade Spanish immersion teacher. “This is a gift that Utah is giving its children,” sad an educator, Myriam Met. “A gift that you really can’t get any other time or any other way.” New state test data shows students are not only holding their own but actually scoring a little higher in core subjects than kids not learning a second language. The program is proving to be far more effective than regular language classes. She said the minds of younger children are more adept at grasping both languages being taught and can navigate through their target language much easier than other children. In fact, kids may become so fluent at their second language that Gardner said they may be ready to take the AP exam when they’re in the ninth grade. Benefits of dual immersion • Second Language Skills: Students achieve high proficiency in the immersion language. • Performance on Standardized Tests: Immersion students perform as well as or better than non-immersion students on standardized tests in English. • Cognitive Skills: Immersion students typically develop greater cognitive flexibility, demonstrating increased attention control, better memory, and superior problem-solving skills as well as an enhanced understanding of their primary language. • Cultural Competency: Immersion students are more aware of and generally show more positive attitudes toward other cultures and appreciation of other people. • Long-term Benefits: Immersion students are better prepared for the global community and job markets where 21st century skills are an asset. Parents.com “Why should your child learn a foreign language?” http://www.parents.com/toddlers-preschoolers/development/language/best-foreign-language-for-kids-to-learn/ In fact, research published in Psychological Science suggests that simply thinking in a foreign language helps people make quicker and better life decisions. Furthermore, a study by the College Entrance Examination Board reports a direct correlation between foreign language study and high SAT scores. People who speak a foreign language often enjoy better career prospects and higher standards of living. And there are even health benefits -- recent research from the University of Chicago suggests that a second language also helps prevent dementia later in life.