Schools Should Have More Sporting and Excersise Facilities

Schools Should Have More Sporting and Excersise Facilities Schools can be a boring place to learn without proper exercise and sporting facilities, and a lot of students would definitely agree with me. Children need to grow up fit and healthy. All children love sport and they could have a talent for it, but they are never going to know without an early start at schools. Kids love playing with new and good sporting equipment. To begin with, without exercise and sport students can become lazy and obese. All the students would want to do would be to come home from sitting down in a chair all day working, and then sit down on the couch and watch TV. Children need to exercise and stay fit if they want to stay out of obesity. Obesity is a worry not only for the children themselves, but for the parents. They don’t want their kids just sitting down eating and getting no exercise. Parents want their kids to be fit, healthy and happy. A healthy body means a healthy brain. Students with exercise and sporting facilities at school make them feel positive and persistent for working in class. Secondly, the school will become a more energetic and happier environment. Students won’t mind doing hard work at school because they will have an even variety of work and exercise. Kids will start the day of school with a positive attitude which affects the type of work they do. Students will enjoy their day at school and come home happy and fit not lazy and tired. If there were different sporting facilities students could have a variety of fitness. Not just one thing all the time. Finally, no fun exercise and sporting equipment can have an impact on parents. Students can become lazy and angry. Parents want their kids to do a bit of work around the house, and with kids coming home all bored they will absolutely not want to do house work. Parents will be angry with their children and children will come to school even more depressed. In summary, schools should definitely have more exercise and sporting facilities for students and parents benefit. Schools would become a happier and healthier environment which students will appreciate very sincerely. More sport and exercise facilities would greatly increase academic work as well as fitness. If you agree please sign below. Yours sincerely Casey.