Ashley P 0


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Ashley P 0 Comments
49 people have signed. Add your voice!
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Every student ,everywhere, 41 weeks a year, 30 hours a week are taken up by this long and hard place called school.Studentsall around the world are suffering from chronic sleep deprivation and it has to be stopped there has to be a cure , it is as simple as shortening school hours.This article affects not just the kids that go to school but the elderly, teachers, parents, everyday people that go to work it affects everyone that lives today. It affects them in that you have to hear them whingingandwhining saying "I don't want to go to school,school takes up to much time, schools makes me tired, homework is boring" you have allheard it all before andthere has to be a solution and there is so lets do something about it.

School is a dangerous place and were spending more and more time at school. School is so stressful as in the homework load every night, every week at home we spend at least 30 mins of valuable time doing homework.We are at school for 6 hours and then common sense tells us we are spending an hour more on homework. Students think teachers just want to put us through pain and give us a hard time but they obviously don't. Teachers don't realise how much time it takes school kids to do their homework. School is very stressful and stress leads to HBP (High Blood Pressure) which then leads to heart attacks which is a terrifying near death experience. The school hours are ridiculous and it as easy as narrowing the hours down to 9:30 am – 2:30 pm, this would help uskids a lot.

School administrators and teachers do have families too and we need to take that into consideration too. Some teachers stay at school for an extra 2 hours and get to school two hours early wouldn’t it be extremely better and the families at home would appreciate it dearly. 6150 hours! They spend at school at the least. Teachers should be treated better it is just unfair. Not many kids enjoy school as it is sometimes boring so why are we spending more time hear seriously there is a voice that has too be heard.

This would help everyone so much if this minor adjustment would be fixed, Just 1 hour not much to ask. This is an issue that needs to be fixed now not next month not next year now!

Sincerely Bridget

11 years old



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