McDonalds for Tecoma

Let's face it Tecoma isn't really a sleepy mountain hamlet as the vocal minority would have you believe, it is a suburb of Melbourne a mere 40 minutes from the CBD. We can not let the vocal minority win, they already have too much influence over our everyday lives, why should they influence what gets built on private land we need to prove more people are for McDonalds in Tecoma than against. Let's address some of the main concerns. 1. Rubbish - Littering is the responsibility of the person not the company selling the item maybe a littering campaign would be a better use of time. 2. McDonalds will ruin Tecoma - Tecoma is run down and old as it is the buildings it will replace are covered in graffiti 3. It's across the road from a school - It's down the road from a school if parents are letting their kids have McDonalds all the time that's just bad parenting not McDonalds fault. The benefits will far outweigh the negatives the main one being giving young kids jobs which are quite decently paid for their age and teaching them responsibility and money management. So it's time for the silent MAJORITY to stop being so silent and tell the vocal minority to keep to themselves and let the rest of us live our lives