MBS Snow Day 2
Jen Bwood 0

MBS Snow Day 2

386 signers. Add your name now!
Jen Bwood 0 Comments
386 signers. Almost there! Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

This a petition in order to get a snow day on Tuesday January 26,2016.

We have only used one snow day.

It is supposed to rain tomorrow making it even more slippery!

We are done with midterms.

Students are coming from far away.

Many other public schools have already called for a snow day.

Multiple roads are icy and dangerous

Some places are still not plowed.

Some teachers bike or take the train to get to work and it would not be safe

The Senior Lot where the math trailers are will be difficult to get to!

We have a campus which would be hard to get around in these icy conditions.

Schools with delay or closing: Millburn High School, Saint Peters Prep, Mount St. Mary's, Bernard's, Westfield, Watchung Hills.

People still are not plowed out of their driveways!

Even a delayed opening would be ideal! Anything really! Just save the students AND teachers from getting hurt

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