Heather Wearne Austral 0


13 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
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13 people have signed. Add your voice!
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Adam B. signed just now

"We, the undersigned presidents and ratepayers of Marong and Districts formally request Council to reinstate the Maternal and Child Health Services in Marong"

Community Health

  • Marong is a community of young families. 2016 Census data records 57.5% of the Marong population being aged 34 or younger. This trend has continued to grow in the following years.
  • Being a new parent can be an anxious and isolating experience, being able to develop relationships with a local Maternal and Child Health Services nurse is particularly important to the health of both the parent and child.
  • Maternal and Child Health Services play integral roles in immunisation and baby/toddler development assessments.
  • Maternal and Child Health Services are provided within the Marong Kindergarten facilities. The Kindergarten Educators believe this was an ideal situation in allowing young children to develop familiarity and therefore facilitate a smooth transition into Kindergarten through their health checks with the Maternal and Child Health Service.

Community Connectedness and Wellbeing

  • Maternal and Child Health Services were provided within the Marong Kindergarten facilities. The Kindergarten Educators believe this was an ideal situation in allowing young children to develop familiarity and therefore facilitate a smooth transition into Kindergarten through their visits to the Maternal and Child Health Service.
  • The Maternal and Child Health Services of Marong were within walking distance for parents. Removing this service impacts on community wellbeing. There’s no-one stopping and saying ‘hello’. Lockdowns and Covid restrictions during 2020 have shown us the importance of incidental social connectedness in communities.
  • Marong has NO public transport which limits the capacity and ease with which some parents can access Maternal and Child Health Services.

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