We have found the educational experience of MAT187 extremely enlightening and thought-provoking. It has been a year full of wonderful discoveries, which have afforded us a level of knowledge that many of us can already see the power of. However, in this process, we have also found the experience to be unfair; due to unfortunate, unforeseen circumstances. Namely, the strike that occurred caused a significant disruption in our learning. There were no lectures or tutorials given for the entirety of 4 weeks, during which, as many of us would attest, the course covered its toughest material. Consequently, the majority of the most difficult concepts had to be self taught. While Professor Cohen's online lecture videos were helpful to the degree to which they could be, and regardless of the few other online measures taken to aid the learning process, nothing can trump having a professor and teaching assistant with you in person, actually guiding you through the challenging material.
Overall, despite this year's unfortunate disruptions, many of us feel that our predominantly self-taught understanding of MAT187 spans the extent and detail of the textbook as well as previous examinations. However, we find that the level of understanding the textbook demands is no longer at the level that this year's examinations expected of us. The problem solving skills that are required to solve the current style of examinations have not been developed through the online videos provided nor were they covered sufficiently in tutorials and lectures, due to their collective cancellation. None of us are shy of a challenging exam, however, we feel that it is only fair to ask that we be challenged once we are given the well-supported and continuous learning experience we all paid for and that, until this point, has strengthened our understanding of the course material exceptionally well. As a result of all this, we have but two questions that we would like addressed:
1. What measures, if any, will be taken to compensate for the gap between the skills gained through the textbook and online lecture videos and the skill set required to successfully complete the 2015 MAT187 examinations?
2. Considering that we have paid in advance for a service that was not rendered during the duration of the strike, when will we be financially reimbursed for missed tutorials and lectures?