Make RSPCA recognise the difference between AMPUTATED tails and DOCKED tails.

My daughter and her dog Mason have just discovered the joy of Fun Dog Shows and Junior Handler classes. However, I have just been informed by the RSPCA that they will not let my pair compete. Why? Because poor Mason had to have his poor little tail amputated as he was bitten by an insect in the woods. Poor little man wouldnt stop itching and scratching at the wound site, so the next day I took him to the vets. They told us the tail tip had lost its blood supply and needed to be amputated, in order to stop any infection spreading and potentially harm him more. Anyone who knows about the Maltese breed, know that he would have had a beautiful, curly tail arched beautifully over his back. Unfortunately, it was not a choice we had. If we didnt, it would cause him more harm than good. Like the responsible pet owner we believe to be, we went ahead with the operation. Mason has recoverd beautifully, but has obviously been left with a tail stump :-( This isnt a problem for us, for him or for most dog shows, but the RSPCA have told us that Izzie (my daughter) and Mason would not be welcome at their FUN shows, as they class him to have a docked tail. I have tried to explain that this is not the case, but unfortunately, to no avail. It has disappointed us, as I feel they are discriminating; it hasnt been docked (legally or illeglally) and I have offered to get proof from the vets, but they are not budging. Does this also apply to dogs that they have "saved" that may be amputated/ They consider them as docked and wont have anything to do with them? I find the whole scenario ridiculous on the RSPCA's part; so I am hoping they will take notice of this petition and change the rules for those who have had to have them off for a VALID, MEDICAL reason. Please take two minutes and sign to show your support. Thank you, Love Kim, Izzie and Mason x x