Masks: A Parents Decision

To Whom This May Concern:
This petition represents concerned parents, students, and other members of the St. Thomas More Catholic School Community (“STM”) who are against STM’s decision for our children to wear masks at school.
On behalf of the parents and individuals who signed this petition, we disagree with the decision for children, of any grade, to be required to wear masks during school. Parents should be allowed to exercise their right to make their own health decisions for their families. Many studies have shown that masks have been proven to preserve bacteria much more effectively than they are able to prevent the intrusion of a virus.
Children are not the vulnerable population and parents should make the appropriate decisions based on their own needs.
The petitioners below urge the STM community leaders to make the necessary decisions to protect the liberties and freedom afforded to us by our constitution and being a parochial school.
Please forward to those who are interested in supporting parents to make their own health decisions on behalf of their family.