Marvel Studios, get rid of Tom; bring back Tobey. A message from the fans for your own good.
Boris Smith 0

Marvel Studios, get rid of Tom; bring back Tobey. A message from the fans for your own good.

Boris Smith 0 Comments
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We know that you already chose Tom Holland for the role of Spider-Man. Since you didn't make your trailer yet, we, your loyal fans are giving you some reasons for you to dump Tom H. 1. He has no background to show where the heck he came from. Yes even Andrew Garfield has more background. 2 Okay I don't know his age put he's probably a kid in College. Peter Parker was a College Professor at the time That's about the same age as Tobey currently is(39. 3 We're most familiar with Tobey, Kirsten and Sam Raimi. (I would've mentioned Franco, too but Harry Osborn died in Spider-Man 3). 4 James Franco won't have anything to bash. You've probably noticed him bashing the first remake, I think three times. With Tobey on stage, there won't be anything for Franco to bash.5 You won't have to worry about bad box office results if you end up with full rights to Spider-Man. With The Amazing Spider-Man franchise both movies did even worse than Spider-Man 3. Why risk having even worse results? 6 Plenty of people want Tobey back as Spider-Man. 7 The trilogy is the only one with a background and the proper girlfriend. 8 Since the trilogy has the most background you could just assume the dates of say Spider-Man 2 and The Avengers were the same and Spider-Man 3 and Age of Ultron are the same, you can explain Spider-Man's absence. 9 If you end up with the complete rights for the wall crawler, you can put villains like Rhino into the next Avengers movie. 10 Seeing the most familiar face of Peter Parker will please the audience the most. 11 This can, in a way, make up for the Spider-Man 4 that never happened.12 Tom Holland is way too young (nineteen!) 13 Tom Holland is ENGLISH 14 Tom Holland is the too dorky Peter. I never thought there was such thing. 15 Andrew Garfield doesn't want to be Spider-Man anymore. 16 Tobey Maguire has the most experience as Spidey and wouldn't mind being the wall crawler again. 17 Both Tobey and Andrew were past high school (I think in their thirties) and didn't look like they were going on twelve years old. 18 Everybody is all "I want Tobey back" or "I want Andrew back" almost no one wants a new guy. 19 Peter Parker was not English. 20 This is like putting James Franco in the role of Katniss, having Jennifer Lawrence be Oz, having Arnold Schwarzenegger play Marty McFly or having Michael J Fox be terminator. None of these would work, 21 I'm pretty sure Peter Parker doesn't have a face of a twelve year old or curly hair. 22 Is this Spidey or Pinocchio? Tom's nose is gigantic. Tom Holland is a disgrace to Spider-Man. Use Tobey instead

Sincerely,(BELIEVE IT)

the Fans

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