Residents of Phase II of the North River Shores Septic To Sewer Project Request The Bid Be Reopened.

The residents of the neighborhoods North River Shores and Palm Lake Park are petitioning to have the bidding re-opened for the vacuum sewer and neighborhood restoration (RFB2017-2993).
We the home owners located in phase II of the North River Shores septic to sewer project request the bid be reopened.
We are seeking the reopening for:
1. 68.5% over budgeted cost:
Board of County Commissioners agenda item summary
North River Shores Septic to sewer
Meeting date 1/24/2017 Document #8D1-2017-24
North River Shores phase II
Estimated construction cost $4,186,403 Budget
Board of County Commissioners agenda item summary
North River Shores Septic to sewer
Meeting Date 4/24/2018
Construction cost as bid $7,053,327
$2,866,924 / $4,186,403 = 68.5% increase of budgeted cost
2. Single bidder
3. There is an error in the assessment role.
Wastewater Service Agreement dated 8/26/2002 (OR BK 01690 PG 1227)
In this agreement the county credit 2 ERC for wastewater to owners.
The county agrees at its sole cost and expense to disconnect septic and reconnect sewer on lots 3&4 they also agree provide all necessary connection service to provide sewer to lots 1&2.
The problem in the assessment role is the county uses .5 for each of these units to calculate the total number of units yielding 303.5 total units. If this calculation is used the remaining 301.5 units subsidize the cost of the counties agreement. The proper calculation would be to use 305.5 total units and the county would pay for the 2 ERC per the agreement.
There are steps that need to be followed to accept a bid. With a total cost 68.5% over budget, the bidding for this project needs to be reopened. The county's urgency in this project is a $1,500,000 grant that expires in 2020. The residents of this community are not interested in taking on a second mortgage because of the county's poor planning. This project is slated to cost twice the amount of similar projects. We received a letter about this project costing us an $11,000 lump sum, or we can choose the payment plan, in which case we can take it on in our tax bill for 20 years, plus interest and fees, which comes out to 20,000!