Keep Mark Knights at UEA

The School of History will soon be losing a very good teacher and a well-published scholar to Warwick University where he will be taking up a Professorship in History from Sept 2007. Dr Mark Knights, Early Modern History, has been teaching at UEA since 1996 and is part of the group of scholars who enabled the History Dept to achieve a top research rating of 5** in 2001. He is currently also director of a UEA-Hull project on applying e-science to the humanities. However we do not have to lose all our good lecturers. There is apparently funding for a professorship at the School of History at UEA. We would like respectfully to ask the relevant heads of department and Faculty, and those involved in the final decision-making, to retain the excellent teaching and research skills of Dr Knights by matching the offer that Warwick University is making. It is clear that there is funding for a professorship in Early Modern History as such a post is being advertised on UEA