Paul Griffin 0

Mark and Janet are the Ashley brook

529 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Paul Griffin 0 Comments
529 people have signed. Add your voice!
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Let's fight for mark and Janet

Let's fight for our pub
Let's fight for community
Sign now please in order to get Mark and Janet reinstated.
Janet and Mark have run this trouble free pub for the last fourteen years it is a much ,loved community pub that Janet and mark have built up to become a jewel in our community.due to an incident in May involving mindless thugs shooting an innocent man in this pub mark and Janet have been made to leave their home and their lives and for the last 5 months,after tirelessly fighting to get back home and their lives back on track they were finaly allowed to go home on 6/10/14.after being back at home for 13 days they have cruelly had it snatched from them again by the police and licensing authorities for no acceptable reason,it's about time we the community stand up for our rights and what we believe in and not let these mindless individuals take what mark and Janet have built up so let's fight and win and get mark and Janet back home.

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