Maritime May Graduation Injustice
The Maritime College mission, “…educates leaders to excel in the global maritime environment…” Entering the regiment, cadets are lead to believe, “The college sets high standards for conduct, leadership, teamwork and personal appearance that are in keeping with the demands of the profession and the finest traditions of the sea going services.” As the end of the academic year approaches, it is disappointing to believe that Maritime is not supporting all of their cadets in the pursuit of graduation. Over the last four years, the Class of 2014 cadets have worked together and supported each other throughout their pursuit of their maritime education programs. Unfortunately, not all the cadets will be able to walk in the time-honored traditional May Commencement Ceremony along with their fellow cadets. Cadets within 6 credits of graduating or those waiting to complete their licensing exams are not being permitted to walk in May with their fellow cadets.
By signing this petition I believe cadets within 6 credits of graduating or those waiting to complete their licensing exams deserve to be included in this time-honored tradition of the May Commencement Ceremony.