Apology and Withdrawal of the Marie Stopes Stamp

ROYAL MAIL CELEBRATES A HITLER ADMIRER! We are calling for the immediate withdrawal of the Marie Stopes stamp and a public apology on behalf of Royal Mail. Marie Stopes was an eugenicist and Hitler sympathiser. She also called for the forced sterilisation of "inferior" groups of people and decried the abolition of child labour. Her poems were addressed and sent to Adolf Hitler directly. Why don't we put Hitler on the stamp He did some good things, too; built the autobahns, the first jet plane and the VW Beetle. Royal Mail defends its decision saying it is merely about celebrating her good accomplishments. This is highly problematic. Marie Stopes and Family Planning are synonymous with abortion. Finally, there is 500 abortion clinics around the world under the name Marie Stopes International. Therefore Royal Mail and The Queen are declaring that abortion is a good thing. Abortion is an act of violence that kills a baby. This violence is being kept hidden and therefore is tolerated. When abortion is seen it becomes clear that rather than a "human right" it is an INHUMANE ACT!!! Please sign the petition here. To see the truth about abortion visit AbortionNO.org