Since viewing the so called video made by Marco Pierre claiming to be making "brown rice Jamaican style" Jamaican ancestors are turning in their graves right about now!! hundreds of years of grandmas passing down their secret recipes and this man cooks drumsticks with no seasoning which have not been marinated and then adds green garden peas to his rice and cook all in one pot!! I MEAN REALLY!! WFT Dear Mr White, as someone who has been bought up on Jamaican food and to anyone who is watching this video. I can assure you that this is not a Jamaican recipe, I know not of any Jamaican who would dare to even cook or even serve food like this! Green peas really? unseasoned chicken cooked straight with rice? this is an insult and I consider offensive to my culture and I would not want anyone left with the false impression that this is a jamaican recipe. I think this should be removed ! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l7WtKfd1-bU&sns=fb < That is not how Jamaicans cook food. His opening statement I found to be patronizing and belittling to our culture "Very simple" Far from it!! The aim of this petition is to make MARCO PIERRE make a formal apology to the Jamaican community and clarify that this thing he cooked has nothing to do with Jamaican food and confirm that he never went to Jamaica and this was cooked for him by the locals.