
YOUTH FOR EUROPE Open letter to the President of the European Commission “Manifesto of support to the re-election of the current President of the European Commission” Europeans, We think it is important, more than ever, to support the reinforcement of the European leadership, in order to build a united and strong European Union, able to tackle the increasing challenges European citizens face. We have seen, in Europe, an amazing evolution towards peace, democracy and progress but we are aware that nothing of what has been built and conquered is definitive. Each step in the direction of progress is just another stage in the long way we have to go. It is, therefore, necessary that everybody can contribute in order to strengthen Europe so that it can continue to guarantee those achievements to Europeans. In this perspective we think that the re-election of the current president of the European Commission, José Manuel Barroso, is, in any electoral scenario, very important, since we believe it is due to him, to the general confidence that he inspires, his proofs of a strong leadership, that we will be able to advance and to affirm the European project. The stability of the Commission is a central factor to promote progress in Europe and to fight the current global economic crisis. We believe that the majority of the European citizens has a positive view of the President Barroso and of the work he has been doing. The president of the European Commission has proved with his actions and example during his mandate that, with determination, we can overcome obstacles and difficulties. The reaction to the institutional crises provoked by negative referenda, the mediation of the gas conflict Russia/Ukraine (which endangered the supply of gas to Europe) and the response to the financial and the economic crisis are examples of such a determination. The leadership of the president of the European Commission was also crucial to consolidate the big enlargement that took the Union from 15 to 27 Member States, one of the greatest achievements of European integration. The Commission was successful in many important policy areas: - The creation of a common European energy policy. - The leadership in the fight against climate change. - The strengthening of a common space of freedom, security and justice. - The protection of consumers' rights and of the Single Market. - The support for social security. At the external front, - The dialogue with emerging world powers, such as China and India. - The deepening of the economic relations and of strategic agreements with the US. - The defense of free trade. - The support for the developing countries. - The reinforcement of relations with Africa and Latin America countries. - The establishment of the Union for the Mediterranean, and of the Eastern Partnership. - The initiative to start the G-20 process. In these different areas, much of the success was achieved thanks to the current Commission, which had the necessary strategic sensitivity to introduce these aspects as priorities in the European agenda. The economic crisis should be seen as an opportunity to plan, converge and readjust common policies among the states in the support of what seems to be the biggest challenge of the next commission: the recovery of the conditions favorable to the creation of economic growth, employment, progress and social stability. It is therefore imperative to support the action of the Commission and its policies in the fight against this crisis, in the plan of economic recovery and in the reinforcement of the strategy of Lisbon. This will answer the expectations of young people for their future. If we redouble efforts to achieve these goals, Europe will no doubt leave this crisis strengthened. European heads of state and leaders of the main European political families have already declared their support for the re-election of president Barroso. It is therefore the moment to join around a popular project generating consensus and wills. We must overcome eventual political differences and realize that the most important is the consolidation and the reinforcement of the European project. This Commission always looked for the common interest, not party-centered, but essentially political and truly European. If it is certain that “the institutions make the Men” it is equally true that the leaders and the “men of good will” fortify and give credibility to the institutions. It seems therefore crucial to defend the re-election of President Barroso in the June European Council and in the European Parliament on 15 July. If European institutions postpone the decision, we may enter another era of political uncertainty with unpredictable consequences. The next President of the Commission will have to face huge challenges and his support must be unequivocal and without hesitation. Europe cannot show the world an image of disunity but otherwise exhibit an image of strength and cohesion indispensible in these times. We cannot have a divided Europe when we are building the Europe of the 21st Century. This way, and besides all the reasons before stated, as Young People , we couldn´t also be indifferent to the fact that the President of the European Commission showed during his mandate a special consideration for the different problems and policies of Youth such as the support to qualification programs, the incentive to business entrepreneurship, the introduction of new technologies and information societies, the support to investigation, science and higher education (particularly with the deepening of programs like ERASMUS, SOCRATES, LEONARD), and the development of common policies in which young people are particularly interested. The European project is the result of the visions and ideals of great leaders such as Winston Churchill, Konrad Adenauer, Jean Monet and Robert Schuman. It is on behalf of the future of those ideals that we decide to give voice to this manifesto, united by a convergence of dreams, intentions and wills. We want therefore that our manifesto is understood as an appeal to the re-election of President Barroso, since we think he is today, in the current context, the image of credibility and leadership. These political qualities are decisive to affirm Europe in the world. These are the conclusions of the reflections made by young students, academics, investigators and others, proceeding from the most diverse sectors of the civil society. Because there is a duty called "future to fulfill” we appeal to the re-election of José Manuel Durão Barroso as President of the European Commission, to whom we feel honored to give our full support, hoping and expecting he will build a stronger, a freer and more prosperous Europe. “Youth for Europe”