Management of current fees in next semester

- Sir,
We all are in a tough situation where what all we can do is just to sit at home but this situation can't be same after lockdown as we will be asked to pay our fees fr the next semester
Why should we pay fees for the next semester when we have already paid for this semester? Is it our fault that corona has hit us? Most of us belong to middle class families where income is directly proportional to the work done on that day. With lockdown imposed many are now jobless and daily intake of food remains entirely on the savings. After the lockdown things will be quite disastrous
Now university is asking us to pay fees for the new semester which is taught online. University is charging us for miscellaneous charges which we aren't going to use and laboratory charges too.
We demand university to adjust the fees of all students belonging to all departments of this university so that they needn't pay next semester fees along with hostel fees.