Malta to Submit Mock Song for Eurovision 08
Malta will never do as well as it deserves in the Eurovision Song Contest with the voting system as it is today. We can send great singers and great songs but they will never receive the acknowledgment they deserve. So this is pretty much a waste. We need to make a point. We need to send a song with some witty funny lyrics that mock the eurovision that has become. This petition is to ask the Malta Board for Eurovision Song Contest to spare the money spent on organising the local qualification contest for Eurovision 2008 and instead contract witty funny songwriter/s and singer/s of the likes of Joe Demicoli, Augusto Cardinale and Philip Vella to compose a song that makes a point by mocking around the obvious faults of the current voting system and the culprit countries. There is really nothing to lose and a lot of money and undeserved humiliation to spare. We might not qualify for the final anyways, but we will surely make one point that really counts.