HVCC Paramedic Program
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Hudson Valley Community College (HVCC) currently has a Paramedic Program via distance learning located at North Country Community College (NCCC) in Saranac Lake, New York. North Country Community College also has facilities available at it's Malone New York location which has the same telecommunications equipment capable of receiving this program.
There are 8 students that attend the course at NCCC. Of these students 4 drive from St. Lawrence County, 2 from Franklin County, 1 from the Akwesasne Mohawk Reservation and 1 from Plattsburg.
Travel mileage to class from these areas is as follows:
St. Lawrence County: 71 miles
Akwesasne Mohawk Reservation: 69 miles
Franklin County: 50
Clinton County: 50
Consideration must also be given for round trip mileage and travel time. With inclement weather approaching and the potential for cancelled classes at NCCC a shorter travel distance and time should be considered.
Travel mileage to the Malone site is as follows:
St. Lawrence County: 37 miles
Akwesasne Mohawk Reservation: 25 miles
Franklin County: 0
Clinton County: 50
As you can see from the comparison, travel mileage to the NCCC Malone site is significantly better for a majority of students, while travel mileage for 1 stays the same.
Based on this information, all students attending the Paramedic course at NCCC in Saranac Lake, petition to change the location to the NCCC Malone site.
We further agree that lab sessions will remain at the NCCC campus in Saranac Lake.