Making Feeding Canadian Geese Ilegal in Shrewsbury

WHEREAS Canadian Geese are a general nuisance, polluting lawns, streets and lakes with their droppings, and
WHEREAS Canadian Geese are aggressive towards children, pets and adults alike, and
WHEREAS increases in the geese population is a direct result of feeding wildlife, which decreases their natural fear of people and creates an association of food with people, and
WHEREAS one Canada goose can yearly add ½ pound of phosphorous and more than a pound of nitrogen to a waterway, their droppings being nothing more than raw sewerage, and
WHEREAS excessive droppings can lead to an increase in plant growth which leads to reduced oxygen levels in the water, and
WHEREAS feeding Canadian geese is unlawful in Emmaus Borough (Berks County) where an ordinance was passed in the interest of the public’s health with violators facing fines of $100 to $300 for each offense, and
WHEREAS Shippensburg borough passed an ordinance to prohibit the feeding of waterfowl with the penalty ranging from $30 to $300
THEREFORE LET IT BE RESOLVED that the Shrewsbury Township supervisors pass an ordnance in the interest of public health stating that the feeding of Canadian geese in a residential township areas is hereby unlawful, with fines starting from $30 to $300 per violation and/or community service, effective immediately.