My fellow Eagle Pointe North residents,
It is time to discuss a major problem in our subdivision. First let me say that I think this is a great neighborhood with people that respect each other and try to let each other go about their own lives. In saying this there has become unsightly blemish in our neighborhood in the last few years. The resident at 37 Crooked Creek has let their yard become a complete mess with no regard for how it looks and affects their neighbors. There have been multiple attempts to get the resident to clean their lot, but it just keeps growing. Everyone that comes into the neighborhood sees it and asks the reason why.
There was a court date in March but was reset for July 25th, 2022. We need to voice our opposition to the way this blemish on our neighborhood has become. The court date is July 25th @ 9:30 am. Support on this matter would be greatly appreciated by either being at the court date or calling the property code enforcement department at 731-423-2041. You will not have to give your name just show your displeasure with the situation. If you want this to be fixed, we need to stick together and show that we will not put up with this disgrace.
Please sign your name, email, and address. There is an option to not show your name on the online form and I will be the only one with that information and will only be used to help our cause with the courts and county government. Thank you for your help in righting this wrong.