lee graham 0


16 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
lee graham 0 Comments
16 people have signed. Add your voice!
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Adam B. signed just now

This petition is made for evey mother/ father/ grandparent/aunt or uncle and everyone else who believes in safety for children! I am a mother of 3 young boys and live in what i thought was a nice quiet neighbourhood until, on march 28th 2008 in my local paper i read about a man who lives just 2 doors up from my family home! He was found with 280 child porn images, 35 of these images were graded at level 4, the second most severe level of child porn!! His name is Mark golightly, he lives with his parents and has a previous conviction for a similar offence in 2003! When arrested he told officers: "I JUST COULDNT STOP MYSELF" To me this is not the words of a sorry man or someone who is not going to re-offend. He pleaded guilty to this offence and was given 3years probation and 200 hours community service(not enough!). Sheriff James Scott said: " HE IS JUDGED TO BE AT HIGH RISK OF RE-OFFENDING!" and has banned him from being alone with children under 16! So my question is: WHY THE HELL STICK HIM IN AN AREA WERE THERE ARE AT LEAST 15 KIDS PLAYING EVERYDAY! All i think of everyday is: are my sons safe when they are out playin and im sure its the same Q everyone is asking! So please sign this petition and get this man out of our neighbourhood so we can ease our minds and no our kids are safe! We should all have the right to no who is living in our areas and not have to wait till something happens before we are told about these people! I believe the law should be changed and all those perverts out there should be> NAMED AND SHAMED!! That way we would all no who and what we are living beside!! Thank you please sign! Miss L Graham x

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