Make vending machines trending
Vote for this petition! It's a great way for the school to make money and a great way to get a snack if you're hungry in school. It is an issue to not have vending machines in the school because if someone doesn't eat breakfast, or has a small lunch, it allows for them to get a quick snack. The goal of the vending machines is to have quick, available food, along with the school making money. Furthermore, the vending machines will have healthy options. Also, research proves that the average student spends 27$ on school vending machines a year. In addition, Camp Hill High school/middle school has about 700 students, that would mean that the school would make about 19,000$ a year from vending machines. Vending machines also cost about 3,000$. So, if the school were to buy 5 vending machines, they would already be profiting from them within the first year of installation. Ultimately, you should sign this petition because it benefits, both the students and the school.