Make StumbleUpon Fix their Mistake!

StumbleUpon was one of my favorite sites on the Internet. I discovered Pandora, among so may others using this site. I used it mainly for discovery, however; many many people expressed their own creativity and utilized StumbleUpon as a blog, a canvas, and basically a form of expression. This caused many beautiful "sites" to grow. NOW when I visit my friends, and others, on SU.......the beauty is gone (expect for the people). It's like a bombed out desolate version of a once beautiful city. I want to focus all former and future users on uniting our voice and convincing StumbleUpon that the visual aspects of their site were more important than they realize. They need to know that being a DIGG clone is self-destruction and they will lose out to Tumblr and others, if they do not revert to the previous design. If they go back to their previous design, and perhaps market themselves as a TRUE alternative to Facebook, they could be better than ever. Please sign this position and help save StumbleUpon!